Here is the story of Thinking of Design and how it all started. I always had a passion for interior design but it really sparked when I was working alongside my husband and his family at Ennis Fabrics about 25 years ago. Seeing the wide range of textiles and what they could do to transform a room inspired me to further my learning in interior design. I took a couple courses at the Metro Community College in Edmonton, Alberta.
While in the midst of being in school I also had 3 children at home, Josh was 13, Madison was 10, and Abbey was 7. When I completed this program I was lost when it came to “what do I do now?”. I was told that Sarah Richardson was doing a Q&A about her and her interior design business. One of the questions that got asked was “where did you go to school?” and she responded with “I didn’t”. She spoke a lot about the topic of you either have it or you don’t, and sometimes schooling can’t teach the traits of interior design. Once I was certified from the program I took, family and friends starting asking for help with designing and decorating their homes and that soon turned into friends of friends asking for my advice. Once I knew that people loved what I could do to a room I knew that this was something that I was passionate about and wanted to take it to the next level. Soon after this I incorporated Thinking of Design and started my business in 2004.

As I mentioned before when I was at school I had 3 little kids at home that since incorporating Thinking of Design had grown a lot and were getting a lot busier with sports and school. By owning my own interior design company and making my own hours it allowed me to be the mom I wanted to be. I was able to drop my kids of and pick them up from school every day. I was able to be there on all of their sick days, and I never missed a sporting event. This made life easier and I was still able to do the job that I loved so much while always being there for my family.
Interior design is an industry that is forever changing. I truly believe that every project is different and you are always learning new things. The most rewarding thing of all is watching your clients face when it all comes together. When your client has trusted in the advice that you have given them and just let you work your magic, the final expression on their face is always the best feeling in the world.
This is the story of how it all started and oh my, has it ever evolved. I am so grateful for all of you who have been here along my journey. If you are new to my page welcome, and I hope you enjoy the ride!